Case StudyJellysmack


The Challenge

  • Take a brand, with virtually zero awareness, and make it a household name in the entertainment world overnight

The Catalyst

  • Highly concentrated blitzes, focusing on key neighborhoods, took ownership in NYC, LA and SF. Leveraged key members from the creator community to extend social and digital scale to new levels and ensured the campaign was seen by key players in the talent industry.

The Results

  • Won a Silver Award for OAAA Media Plan of the Year
  • Influencers Unaided Awareness jumped from 7% to 30% (+23%)
  • Agents Aided Awareness, increased from 38% to 74% (+36%)
  • Social growth of 32% and 150% lift in social engagement during the campaign
  • Estimated $2.1 million in earned media and social value via influencer amplification

Case Study – Suja Living Wall



The Challenge

  • Find a way to bring an emerging brand to life by allowing consumers to engage and learn about Suja in an authentic way

The Catalyst

  • The creation of the Suja Living Wall! Real plants and ingredients were literally growing out the side of the wall and life-size kale wings also served as a photo-op. We partnered with the NPO Tree People LA to plant a tree for every 10 posts using #kalewings and integrated seed bags to wildposting sites.

The Results

  • Recognized as ADWEEK’s Media Plan of the Year – OOH
  • 18% sales increase in Los Angeles & San Francisco
  • 66x lift in Social Media Engagement
  • 500+ #kalewings posts on Instagram = 50 trees planted
  • Traditional Wildposting allowed consumers to tear off seed bags of ingredients and plant them at home; over 1,000 bags distributed.

Case Study – WTC – OOH


The Challenge

  • Williamsburg has long been a family favorite destination but needed to also make it an attractive destination to younger consumers

The Catalyst

  • In unison with Connelly Partners, we teamed up to create a truly one-of-a-kind and interactive brand experience. Storefronts were retrofit to serve as mobile enabled postcards. Through a series of questions, consumers “picked their pace” and an autogenerated itinerary was delivered. This was also leveraged with a targeted OOH rollout to key markets in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast.

The Results

  • Won a Gold Award for OAAA Media Plan of the Year
  • Over 1,500 interactive sessions were completed over the course of 4-weeks
  • Of the 45,000 people tracked going past the activation, there was a 3-4x lift of those who actually visited Williamsburg
  • Total advertising efforts drove $832 million in trip spending over course of 10 months
  • Resulting in a 73:1 visitor spending per ad dollar
  • 350,000 people exposed to the OOH campaign, ultimately visited Williamsburg during the calendar year